Our eyes also have a big contribution in making the face beautiful. But eyes can look beautiful only when your eyebrows are in good shape and dark in colour. Although nowadays there are many such options available in the market which can make your eyebrows look thick and black, you can adopt some home remedies to make the eyebrows look naturally thick and black.

You can make eyebrows thicker with the help of some natural oils. Today we will tell you about some such natural oils, which along with good growth of eyebrows will also keep the hair black.

Amla oil

Amla oil has been considered a medicine in Ayurveda. This is very good natural oil for hair. The best thing about amla is that it contains melanin element, which works to keep the hair black. At the same time, it is also considered good for hair growth.

Amla oil contains Vitamin E, due to which improves hair growth. You can also apply it on the eyebrows; it makes your eyebrows thick and if the hair is turning white, then this problem also stops to a great extent.

You can apply gooseberry oil directly to the eyebrows. Keep in mind that you do not have to let it enter your eyes. If you feel that you should apply this oil by mixing it with something else, then you can apply it by mixing it with aloe vera gel or coconut oil.

Badam oil

Almond oil also makes the hair thick and if you have hard hair then it becomes soft with almond oil. If the eyebrow hair is very light or falling, then you should regularly apply almond oil on the eyebrows before going to bed at night.

You can also apply almond oil directly on the eyebrows. This will not harm you, but if your skin is sensitive, does a skin patch test behind the ear. Also, do not let almond oil enter your eyes.

Let us tell you that almond oil is also a good conditioner for your eyebrows. For those who have the problem of dandruff in the eyebrows, if they apply almond oil on the eyebrows, they get great benefits.

A little lemon juice can also be mixed with almond oil and applied. This will add shine and softness to your hair.

Coconut oil

The more the properties present in coconut oil are described, the less it is. It is also very good for the growth of eyebrows. You can sleep by regularly applying coconut oil to the eyebrows.

You should also mix a little amla oil in coconut oil, this will not only stop your hair fall but also keep its blackness intact.

If there is an infection in your eyebrows and because of that the hair is falling, then coconut oil will work like a medicine on the eyebrows. Let us tell you that coconut oil is anti-fungal and anti-bacterial.