In many other parts of the country including the capital Delhi, the cases of conjunctivitis i.e. eye flu are being seen increasing rapidly. Health experts say, these days all people need to take special precautions to prevent infection. The problem of eye flu can be contagious, there is a risk of spreading it from one person to another.

Health experts say close contact with people increases in crowded places, in such a situation, the risk of eye flu may increase during travel in bus-metro. People traveling by public transport need to be very careful about safety.

Eye flu is mainly viral or bacterial. In this, there is a problem of redness, itching, stickiness, and pain in the eyes. It may take a week or two to heal. A person of any age can be at risk of this infection, so all people should keep taking preventive measures.

Infection can spread from contaminated surfaces
Doctors say the problem of eye flu is highly contagious and all necessary precautions should be followed to avoid it. The risk of developing conjunctivitis may be higher while using public transport, so all special precautions need to be taken during this time.

Surface contact is thought to be the main source of the spread of eye flu. The risk of this is more by touching the stand, seat, etc. in the buses. Avoid touching surfaces while traveling and take measures to prevent conjunctivitis. Let us know what are the things that need to be kept in mind for this.

Take special care of hand hygiene
Keeping hands clean is most important in preventing the transmission of I-flu. Avoid touching your eyes with dirty hands, as this can transmit the virus to the eyes. Keep cleaning hands with the help of hand sanitizer, especially after touching public surfaces.

Hand hygiene helps protect against the risks of many more serious infections, not just the flu.

Wear protective goggles
Wearing sunglasses or other protective eyewear while on public transportation may help reduce the risk of conjunctivitis. These remedies protect the eyes from airborne particles, dust, and germs and can also help you to protect against the eye flu virus. Wearing glasses can also help you heal from an eye infection.

Follow social distancing
Attention was being given to the observance of social distancing during the corona infection, it is also necessary to prevent conjunctivitis. The problem of eye flu is more spread through close contact, so keeping a distance can help reduce the risk of eye flu. This remedy can also help in reducing the risk of eye flu and common flu.

(PC: Freepik)