Eyes also play a big role in making the face beautiful. In such a situation, many women and girls use kajal, eyeliner, and eyeshadow even on daily basis. Due to these beauty products, the beauty of eyes increases manifold. Many women use fake eyelashes to enhance the beauty of their eyes, which makes the eyes look big and lovely.

There was a time when fake eyelashes were mostly used by women whose eyelashes were not thick, but today every woman uses fake eyelashes to make her eyes look big and cute. Even though these may make you look beautiful, their excessive use causes great harm to your eyes. If you also apply fake eyelashes, then first know about its side effects.

The risk of infection increases
Using fake eyelashes available in the market may make you look beautiful for some time, but they can become a big threat to your eyes. By applying these, the risk of eye infection increases manifold. In such a situation, try not to use it.

Eye irritation
Anyway, due to pollution, various types of problems occur in the eyes. In such a situation, if you use fake eyelashes then the problem of irritation in your eyes may arise.

Dryness in eyes
Many times women use cheap eyelashes to save money. The glue used in it causes dryness in the eyes. When dryness increases in the eyes, problems like itching and blurred vision become very common.

Eyelid hair starts falling
Many times, in the pursuit of looking more beautiful, we harm our skin. Due to fake eyelashes, sometimes the hair of a woman's real eyelashes starts falling. This may cause trouble to your eyes.