At present, final exams are going on in almost all the schools, for which children are working very hard. Board exams are about to start for some children and after that, they have to give entrance exams for good colleges. Due to this, the pressure on children to study more and get better numbers is increasing. The peer pressure of parents is also showing its colors. In such a situation, the pressure of getting good marks on the children is increasing so much that they are falling prey to stress.

On this subject, Dr. Sonia Lal, Director, and Senior Consultant Neurology, at Metro Hospital, said that as the final exam approaches, the tension between the parents, as well as the children, starts increasing. This increases mental stress in them. Especially for children, exam time is full of stress. At this time, parents should try to keep their children free from stress. In today's era, it is common for children to have exam pressure. Sometimes this stress can be beneficial for children, while excessive pressure can increase anxiety and nervousness. This directly affects the mental health of the child and their studies are affected.

Dr. Sonia further told that during the final exam, along with the children, their parents also get stressed. Children learn to come out of trouble from their parents. In such a situation, talk to your children and try to keep them calm. Do not take children's stress and anxiety as a joke, as it can prove to be dangerous for them. Support the children in their decisions. Children may feel anxiety many times during the exam, so teach the children some breathing techniques so that they feel light. Along with this, motivate them to exercise.

A healthy diet and good sleep
Dr. Sonia further said that a balanced diet helps in increasing the energy and focus levels in children. Junk food can help in improving the mood for some time but it can lead to fatigue and lethargy. Examination time creates a feeling of self-doubt in children. He often looks at himself with an inferiority complex and starts comparing himself with the children studying in his class. Parents encourage the child. Along with eating on time, 7 to 8 hours of sleep is necessary. Proper sleep is most important at the time of an exam, due to not getting good sleep after studying till late at night, many times children forget what they have read while giving the exam.

Parents keep these things in mind
Let the children study according to the day and night as they see fit
Do not compare children with other children, everyone has their own potential
Keep reasonable expectations from children, and do not put pressure on them to get more marks.
In such times, emotional support is necessary for the child. Do not talk to him about his past failures.
If the child wants to study for a long time, then one of the parents wakes up with him, and it boosts his morale.
Don't talk about studies and syllabus with children all the time, don't even talk about plans, careers, etc. at this time.
Instead of saying to the child, I told you like this or how many numbers will you bring, instead of telling him that we are always with you.

Exam stress symptoms in kids
If the child constantly tells problems like headache, body pain, dizziness, nausea, forgetfulness, nervousness, restlessness, or lack of interest in reading, pay attention to it. Maybe he is under too much stress. Do not think that he is making excuses to avoid studies. In this case, immediately take him to a psychologist or counselor.