Pumpkin is a vegetable that has properties like protein, carbohydrates, iron, fiber, and vitamin C. People usually like to eat pumpkins by making smoothies, shakes, chutneys, or vegetables. But have you ever tried sweet pumpkin chips? If not, then today we have brought you the recipe for making sweet pumpkin chips. These chips are made with the help of jaggery, which strengthens your immunity. Due to this, you avoid problems like seasonal cough and cold. Along with this, these chips are delicious as well as very simple to make, so let's know how to make Sweet Pumpkin Chips.....

Ingredients required to make Sweet Pumpkin Chips-
Pumpkin 1
Rice flour 1 cup
Oil for greasing
Tissue paper 1
Jaggery powder 2 tsp

How to make Sweet Pumpkin Chips?
To make sweet pumpkin chips, first, take the pumpkin and cut it thinly into the shape of chips.
Then put the pieces of pumpkin in boiling water or lukewarm water.
After this, dip these pieces well in water to make them soft, and take them out after about 2 minutes.
If you want, you can also cook pumpkin pieces in jaggery water.
Then after about 2 to 5 minutes, keep the pumpkin separately on a piece of paper and dry it.
After this, put oil in a pan for frying and keep it for heating.
Then when the pumpkin dries well, put them one by one in hot oil and deep fry them till they turn golden.
After this, take out these chips on tissue paper and keep them.
Now your sweet pumpkin chips are ready.
Then sprinkle jaggery powder over these chips and serve with hot tea.