Do you also suffer from joint pain during the changing seasons?

Are you looking for ways to get rid of pain?

So include dry fruits like walnuts, figs, almonds, and raisins in your diet. You will start seeing changes in yourself within 7 days. Ayurvedic expert Sharda is giving us this information.

Joint pain makes life difficult. There is difficulty even in doing daily tasks. Lack of lubrication in joints and wear of cartilage are the main causes of joint pain. The pain increases with changing weather. But, you can reduce joint pain with the help of a healthy diet.

In this article, we are telling you about 5 such dry fruits, which you can benefit from eating after soaking. These are rich in essential nutrients and vitamins. I have tried this routine and found it helpful. Now it's your turn to say goodbye to joint pain.

Soaked walnuts

Walnuts reduce pain as they are rich in omega-3 fatty acids. Apart from this, it contains many nutrients like healthy fats, fibre, vitamins and minerals, which reduce joint pain and swelling.


  • Soak 1 walnut in water overnight.
  • Chew it and eat it in the morning and drink water.


Fig controls Vatadosha. This defect is the biggest cause of joint pain. Also, the calcium present in figs strengthens bones and joints and provides relief from pain. Apart from this, figs contain a high amount of fibre. This cleans the stomach easily.


  • Soak 2 figs in some water overnight.
  • Eat it in the morning and drink water.
  • But, if you are suffering from diabetes, then definitely consult an expert before taking it.


Like walnuts, you can also reduce joint pain and swelling with almonds. Almonds contain monosaturated and polyunsaturated fats along with nutrients like omega-3 fatty acids and fibre. Apart from this, the anti-inflammatory properties present in it reduce pain.


  • Soak 5 almonds in water overnight.
  • Peel it and eat it in the morning.


Apart from providing instant energy, raisins reduce joint pain and swelling. These are the best sources of dietary fibre and phytochemicals. It has antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties.


  • Soak 5 raisins in water overnight.
  • Eat these raisins on an empty stomach in the morning.
  • With this, the uric acid deposited in the joints will be easily removed.


Eating soaked dates provides fibre, selenium, potassium, phosphorus, magnesium and copper along with calcium, which strengthens bones. This provides relief from joint pain and weakness. Apart from this, due to the anti-inflammatory properties of dates, it is good for people suffering from joint pain.


  • Soak dates in some water every night.
  • Eat it in the morning.

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