image credit: experiencelife

These elements along with hot wind, summer sun, and perspiration seriously damage the hair. In such a situation, there is a danger that hair will fall twice as fast in this season. Actually, sunlight, dirt, and sweat start accumulating on the scalp. This is where the problem of dandruff starts.

image credit: muscleandfitness

Hair smells bad but it is impossible to keep hair open all the time and perspiration makes them stink. In addition to itching in the scalp, sweating also causes an unpleasant odor in the hair. In such a situation, hair should be washed at least thrice a week in summer to prevent it from smelling bad.

image credit: mid-day.

When the sweat mixes with the dirt that accumulates on the head, then after some time the head starts itching. As a result of perspiration, the pores of the head begin to get clogged and the layer starts to freeze. Scratching repeatedly to get relief from itching weakens the hair roots and starts falling.