In today's time, the problem of stones in the kidney has become very common. Due to everyday running and chaotic lifestyles, many people have become kidney stone patients. When salt and other minerals of the body come in contact with each other, stones start forming. When deposited, they take the shape of stone pieces, due to which there is a blockage in the way of urine reaching the bladder. Stones invite many problems along with pain. In this problem, you need to be careful in your diet and avoid such things which work to increase this problem. Today in this episode, we are going to tell you which foods should not be consumed during the problem of stones.

Dairy products
Consuming too much milk or dairy products in the problem of stone can also be harmful. A sufficient amount of calcium and potassium etc. is found in it, which can work to increase the stones. Therefore, if you have a stone problem, avoid consuming dairy products in excess or take it only after consulting your doctor.

Carbonated drinks
Stone patients should avoid consuming cold drinks or carbonated drinks or caffeine etc. In this problem, an excessive amounts of caffeine can further increase your problem. Cold drinks contain high amounts of phosphoric acid, which can increase the problem of stones. That's why stone patients should avoid consuming it in excess.