With the arrival of Diwali, there is excitement everywhere in homes and markets. Various types of dishes are prepared in homes and people also buy them in large quantities. Amidst all this, the thing that needs to be taken care of the most is health. As soon as any festival approaches, people become most careless about their food and drink. People who have increased uric acid are most affected by this condition. Uric acid is a serious disease that, if not taken care of in the beginning, can prove dangerous to health over time. As it increases, people start suffering from many problems like arthritis, kidney stones, and diabetes. Today, apart from the symptoms of uric acid, we will tell you which foods should not be eaten when it increases.

Symptoms of Uric Acid
Stiff legs while sleeping
swelling in legs
pain in legs and joints
Unbearable pain in the ankles while continuously sitting and getting up
Do not eat these foods even by mistake if uric acid increases

Stay away from curd
Curd should not be eaten at all if uric acid is increased. Because curd contains protein, eating it can increase uric acid in the body. Along with this, trans fat present in curd can also increase uric acid.

Do not eat junk food and fried food
To prevent uric acid from increasing, it is very important to avoid some things. These things are soya milk, junk food, spicy food, and fried food. All these can increase the amount of uric acid in the body.

Avoid non-vegetarian food
If you are fond of non-veg and uric acid has increased in your body, then stay away from non-veg from today itself. Apart from meat and fish, non-veg also includes seafood. Do not consume these things at all. Because it contains high amount of purine. These purines can increase the amount of uric acid in the body.

Do not eat pulses and rice before sleeping.
Many people like pulses and rice so much that they eat anything anytime. In such a situation, if you are fond of pulses and rice and eat them even before sleeping at night, then be careful. Because eating pulses and rice before sleeping at night can prove to be harmful to you. Due to this, uric acid starts accumulating in the body. Especially do not eat pulses without peel.
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