Home Care Tips: Bedsheets are used in every household. While on one hand, it is successful in giving a different look to the room, it also has many benefits. Many people change it once or twice a week, while some leave it in bed for a month. Now in such a situation, if you also allow a sheet to be kept on top of the month, then you need to know that this sheet can be very harmful to your health. We have been advised to boost immunity during the Korana period, but did you know that keeping the same bed sheet for a long time can reduce your immunity and you will be prone to seasonal diseases, respiratory diseases, STDs, and even That you may also have problems related to sleep.

Is it okay to wash sheets in 3-4 weeks?
Many people think it's okay to wash sheets every 3-4 weeks. While experts say that it is definitely not a cure-all and it can lead to many health problems ranging from acne, allergies, eczema, asthma, colds, and flu to poor quality of sleep.

Dirt gets accumulated on the sheet
In fact, sheets can collect many things that we cannot see, such as dead cells, dust, oil, and other such things that can make you sick over time.

What is Tim Gray saying?
According to health adaptation biohacker, psychology expert, businessman, and global speaker Tim Gray, according to studies, bacteria associated with pneumonia and gonorrhea start growing in your bed within 7 days and this is why people should change their sheets more often.

What happens when the sheets are changed once a month
According to Gray, when you change your bedsheet only once a month, your skin, health, and sleep make a difference. One survey shows that 1 in 4 people wait a month to wash their bed sheets, so the University of Seville's Department of Biology looked at 4-week-old sheets under a microscope. The samples were tested and found to contain Bacteroides, which have been linked to pneumonia, gonorrhea, and appendicitis. The Department of Science also found fusobacteria, which are known to cause throat infections, which cause Lemire syndrome, and Neisseria, which can cause gonorrhea.

How often to change sheets
Everyone should wash their sheets every week and if this is not the case, then at least once every two weeks must wash the sheets. Because our body releases 40,000 dead skin every day, which contains a lot of bad bacteria that can affect our health, immunity, and sleep, according to Gray.