Cholesterol is needed by our body to make healthy cells. Cholesterol is a waxy substance that gets deposited in the blood vessels. The level of cholesterol in the body increases due to eating fatty food, not exercising, being overweight, smoking and drinking. Sometimes it is also genetic. An increase in cholesterol increases the risk of diseases like heart disease, diabetes and atherosclerosis. There are two types of cholesterol found in our body, one is good cholesterol (HDL) and the other is bad cholesterol (LDL). Their levels are detected by blood tests and screening. If the good cholesterol in the body decreases, then the risk of blockage of blood vessels increases. Low HDL level is related to heart disease. But do you know that the reduction of dirty LDL cholesterol can also indicate some disease or genetic disorder in the body.

According to WebMD, most of your body has LDL cholesterol. Because it accumulates in the walls of your blood vessels and causes heart attack or stroke, hence it is called bad cholesterol. But this cholesterol is not completely dangerous. Your body needs it to protect its nerves and to make healthy cells and hormones.

There should be so much cholesterol in the body
The cholesterol level should be around 150. Your LDL level should be around 100 mg/dL. This range keeps your risk of heart disease low. Whereas, a total cholesterol level of less than 120 mg/dL or an LDL level of less than 50 mg/dL is very low. This is called hypolipidemia.

Due to low levels of LDL cholesterol
- Malnutrition
- hyperthyroidism
chronic infections, such as hepatitis C
- chronic inflammation
- blood cancer
- genetic disorder
- liver disease

Symptoms of Low LDL Cholesterol
- fatty stools
- depression
- Vision Changes
- hormonal imbalance
- weight loss
- Intellectual disability or cognitive impairment in children