Digital arrest is the fastest-spreading scam in India right now. There is a general belief that fraud can only happen to those who are less educated or not smart, but now the opposite is happening. The victims of digital arrest are only those people who are more educated and technically literate. In the last year, thousands of people have been made victims of digital arrest and crores of rupees have been looted. The surprising thing is that in all the cases of digital arrest that have come to light so far, only engineers have been made victims. Let's try to understand what is digital arrest and why should you be careful about it.

What is digital arrest?
The digital arrest is an advanced method of blackmailing. The victims of digital arrest scams are only those people who are more educated and more smart. The simple meaning of digital arrest is that someone is keeping an eye on you through video calling by threatening you online. During digital arrest, cyber thugs threaten people by posing as fake police officers and making them their victims.

Many times, thugs of digital arrest call people and say that they are talking to the police department or income tax department. They say that many things have been purchased using your PAN and Aadhaar or money laundering has been done. After this, they make a video call and ask to sit in front. During this time, talking, messaging, and meeting anyone is not allowed. During this time, money is also demanded from people in the name of bail. In this way, people remain imprisoned online in their own houses.

Knowledge is protection
If you also get such threatening phone calls, then you do not need to be afraid. On receiving such calls, immediately complain to the police. If any message or e-mail comes, then give it to the police as evidence. If for some reason you receive the call and someone starts threatening you on the video call, then record the video call through screen recording and complain. Do not be afraid at any cost and do not send money at all.

Do not trust any unknown call.
If someone calls and threatens you, do not be afraid, rather face them boldly, because if you have not ordered any parcel then there is no need to be afraid.

Do not give your personal information like home address, bank account details, Aadhaar card, or PAN card.

Immediately complain about such calls to any police station.

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