To stay healthy, it is important to have a balanced diet, which contains all the essential nutrients. But nowadays it is seen that most of people have iron deficiency in their body, due to which they suffer from anemia. When there is iron deficiency in the body, red blood cells are also produced less. Not only this, but due to this oxygen does not reach all the body parts properly. This is the reason why due to iron deficiency, a person complains of extreme fatigue, hair fall, pale skin, dizziness, low appetite etc.

Many times it happens that you eat iron-rich food, but your body is not able to absorb it. Due to this, you become iron deficient. Therefore, you should include some such drinks in your diet, which boost the absorption of iron-

Drink Vitamin C Drinks

If you want to boost the absorption of iron in your body, then you should consume Vitamin C-rich drinks. Vitamin C-rich drinks help the body absorb iron better. You should consume drinks made from citrus fruits like oranges and grapes. If you want, you can drink lemon juice mixed in water.

Make a smoothie with strawberries and spinach

This is also an excellent drink, which can boost iron absorption in the body. For this, make a smoothie by blending orange juice, strawberry, spinach, banana and chia seeds well. Make this drink a part of your diet. It is as tasty as it is healthy.

Make a drink from beetroot and orange

Beetroot is rich in iron, magnesium, phosphorus, vitamin B as well as vitamin C. When this drink is prepared and consumed, it can boost the absorption of iron. To make this, prepare a drink by mixing orange, beetroot, strawberry, apple, lemon juice and water.

Make a drink from pomegranates and dates

When it comes to iron absorption, consuming pomegranate is considered very good. You can also make and drink drinks with its help. Let us tell you that pomegranate is rich in iron, folate, vitamins B, C and A. To make this drink, blend pomegranate seeds, frozen berries, unsweetened coconut milk, banana and dates well.

Make a drink with chia seeds and prunes

Chia seeds and prunes are both good sources of iron. With their help, you can prepare an excellent iron-boosting drink. For this, first, soak chia seeds in water for 30 minutes. Now blend prunes well with soaked chia seeds to make a delicious drink.

So now you also make these drinks and boost the absorption of iron in your body.

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