Many types of nutrients are needed for the body to run smoothly. One of these is protein. Protein is one of the three main macronutrients. Which means the body needs more of it. However, most people do not consume enough protein. Due to this, they have to face many types of health problems. But are you aware that due to lack of protein, you can also become overweight because you start overeating?

Most people are unaware of the connection between overeating and protein intake or why people overeat due to protein deficiency. So, today in this article, RituPuri, Dietitian of ESIC Hospital, Central Government Hospital, is telling you how protein deficiency becomes the cause of overeating-

Not satisfied

If you reduce protein intake, it does not give you that feeling of satiety or satisfaction. Protein is considered more satiating than carbohydrates or fat. This happens because when you eat protein-rich foods, they release hormones like leptin and cholecystokinin. Due to this, your brain gets signalled that your stomach is full. But when you do not take enough protein, you do not get that signal properly and in such a situation you may end up overeating.

Feel hungry quickly

One benefit of consuming protein-rich foods is that they break down slowly in the body and this gives you continuous energy. Since protein breaks down slowly, you feel fuller for longer and don't get hungry as quickly. But when you do not take protein properly, you start feeling hungry again within some time. In such a situation, you easily end up overeating.

Have unhealthy cravings

Due to protein deficiency, you may also have cravings for unhealthy food items. Eating protein-rich food makes you feel more satisfied. In such a situation, you feel less like eating snacks or unhealthy food items. But when the protein in your diet decreases, you start eating high-calorie or sugar-rich food. Not only this, you eat these foods in large quantities.

Appetite increases

Protein also helps regulate hunger hormones like ghrelin and leptin. Ghrelin stimulates appetite, while leptin gives you a feeling of fullness. When protein intake is inadequate, ghrelin levels may increase, and leptin levels may decrease. Due to this, you feel more hungry and you start overeating even without wanting to.

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