Nowadays women are smart and talented. She manages both home and office. Responsibilities of home and family, office work, all these somehow affect the health of women, especially when women reach the age of 30, the body slowly starts responding. This is the age at which any woman faces problems like thyroid, anemia and diabetes.

If women do not take care of their diet at this time, they will look old before time. In such a situation, there are some food items which should be included in the diet of women as soon as they reach the age of 30. Let us know about this from dietitian Sheenam K Malhotra.

Increase fiber intake

Start including more and more fibre in your daily diet. Aim to get 20 to 30 grams of fibre, primarily from fruits and vegetables. This will increase your gut health will correct the digestive system. Will support the absorption of nutrients and help enhance your overall health.

Omega-3 Fatty Acid

Include foods containing Omega-3 fatty acids in your diet. You can consume nuts and seeds for this. Omega 3 fights inflammation. Promotes heart health and bone strength.


It is important to give priority to calcium. Calcium is necessary for strong bones. Especially when the stores of vitamins and minerals in your body start decreasing after 30, then you should include milk and dairy products, green leafy vegetables and mushroom superfood Ragi in your diet.

Plant-based food

For nutrients, choose plant-based food because they are rich in polyphenols and antioxidants. It keeps your heart and heart health healthy. You should include soya products, green leafy vegetables, salads and fruits in your daily diet.

Hormone levels decrease only at the age of 30. This badly affects women's health. In such a situation, balance your hormones by including magnesium, vitamin b6, vitamins, and omega-3 fatty acids in your diet. For this, you can consume dry fruits and seeds.

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