If you are also one of those people, whose day is not complete until they get a good Masala Chai made by adding ginger, cardamom, milk and tea leaves, then this article is especially for you. Masala tea is liked by most people. However, in today's time, it is considered unhealthy and it is being advised to leave it. But does masala chai really harm our health? Should we give it up completely or can we stay healthy by drinking it? All these questions often come to people's minds. Especially those who like tea, they want to know the answer to these questions.

Let us give you answers to all such questions related to Masala Chai. Dietician RiddhimaBatra has shared information about this from her Instagram account. RiddhimaBatra is a Certified Diabetes Educator, Sports Nutritionist Specialist and Founder of Nutrition Defined.

Is it good or bad to drink masala tea?

If you like to drink tea, then you can of course drink Masala Chai. Masala chai contains a mixture of tea leaves, cardamom, ginger, cinnamon and black pepper. All these are considered good for boosting immunity, reducing inflammation, increasing energy, and improving digestion. These also have the properties of detoxing the body. Often people also use dry ginger, black pepper and cloves in making masala tea. All these spices are also good for health.

This is the right time and amount

Do not drink more than 1-2 cups of tea in a day. The right time to drink tea is after 2 hours of having food. Tea or any caffeinated drink should not be consumed on an empty stomach as it may increase the amount of acid in the stomach and lead to acidity, heartburn or indigestion. Tea should never be drunk with breakfast or food because it contains chemical called tannin, which does not allow the nutrients present in the food to be absorbed properly in the body.

Who should not drink Masala Chai?

People who have anxiety or high blood pressure problems should avoid drinking tea. Drinking too much tea is not considered right even for problems like excessive acid production, sleeplessness or diarrhoea, and kidney stones.

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