'An Apple in a day, keeps the Doctor away', you must have often heard this in your childhood. Not only apples, but other fruits are also full of qualities. Fruits are very good for our health. It contains many essential nutrients, which help in staying healthy. Fruits fulfil the deficiency of many vitamins and minerals in the body. That's why it is advised to eat one fruit daily. Different fruits provide different health benefits. At the same time, some fruits are also advised to be avoided in certain health conditions. Let us tell you about 6 such fruits, which prevent from different diseases. This information is given by Dietician and Nutritionist Simran Kaur.

Lemon for UTI

UTIs i.e. urinary tract infections bother women more. Eating lemon is beneficial in these. Eating lemon removes bacteria and toxins from the body. Women who are suffering from UTI should drink lemon juice mixed with lukewarm water.

Apple for good health

Apple is considered one of the most nutritious fruits. It helps in fighting problems like diabetes, cholesterol and asthma. Not only this, it is also good for the brain and teeth.

Grapes will cure anaemia

Grapes are beneficial to remove anaemia in the body. Blood pressure is also managed by this. Also, people who have iron deficiency in their body must include grapes in their diet.

Kiwi for asthma

Kiwi fruit is rich in Vitamin C and antioxidants. It can help control the symptoms of asthma. Asthma can often cause shortness of breath and sneezing. According to experts, kiwi reduces these symptoms. 4-5 kiwis should be eaten every week.

Orange to boost immunity

Our immunity needs to be strong to avoid diseases. Vitamin C is in abundance in oranges. It boosts our immunity. It is also good for the eyes and digestion.

Banana improves mood

Banana also has many health benefits. Banana benefits the body by removing anaemia, high blood pressure and constipation. By eating this you get instant energy and the mood is also good.

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