Having blood sugar levels higher than normal causes diabetes. According to the data for the year 2021, 537 million (more than 53.7 crore people) aged between 20 to 79 years are victims of this disease. By the year 2045, this figure is expected to increase to more than 783 million (78.3 crore). In India too, diabetes cases have increased rapidly in the last two decades.

Health experts said the risk of this disease is increasing due to disturbances in lifestyle and diet. People who have diabetes in their family or have other risk factors need to take special care regarding this.

Dieticians say that to keep blood sugar under control, it is important to improve some habits. Maintaining a proper diet and making regular exercise a part of the daily routine is essential for diabetic patients. Apart from this, it is also important to know what things should diabetic patients avoid so that sugar can be controlled in a better way.

Reduce intake of carbohydrate foods
There are three main types of carbohydrates in food: starch, sugar, and fiber. Starches and sugars cause major problems for people with diabetes because the body breaks them down into glucose. Due to the consumption of things rich in these, there can be a risk of a rapid increase in sugar levels. People who have diabetes should reduce the amount of carbohydrates and consume more fiber-rich foods. By making such changes in diet, it can be easy to control blood sugar.

Change dinner time
Many people have the habit of eating late at night. Do you know that due to this you can become a victim of serious problems? When you eat late at night, it can lead to problems related to metabolism. In most of the studies, experts say that dinner should be eaten between six to seven in the evening. After eating, take a walk for at least 10-15 minutes, this helps in digesting carbohydrates in a better way.

Physical inactivity is your enemy.
If you want to protect yourself from the risk of diabetes or want to control diabetes, then it is most important to change your lifestyle, especially reducing physical inactivity. There is a risk of sugar increasing due to continuous sitting and working for many hours and lack of exercise. If you want to keep your sugar level under control, then exercise for at least 40 minutes a day. People with physical inactivity have a higher risk of diabetes complications.