In the present era, diabetes has become more common than before. Its complexity is troublesome, which is why patients sometimes become careless about their diet and lifestyle, due to which the blood sugar level suddenly increases and their health starts deteriorating. You can use fenugreek water as a weapon to fight diabetes. Ayushi Yadav, former dietician of GIMS Hospital, Greater Noida, told how this healthy drink is beneficial during diabetes.

Why should diabetic patients drink fenugreek water?
Fenugreek seeds can affect how our body uses blood sugar. It has been proven in many researches that drinking about 10 grams of fenugreek seeds soaked in hot water can help in controlling type-2 diabetes. Actually, soluble fiber is found in abundance in fenugreek, which also includes glucomannan fiber.

Consuming it delays the intestinal absorption of sugar and alkaloids like phengresin and trigonelline. Along with this, hypoglycemic action and 4 hydroxyisoleucine (4-OH Ile) amino acid works on the pancreas, making it easier to release insulin. This is the reason why most health experts recommend drinking a glass of fenugreek water after waking up in the morning, so that good health can be maintained throughout the day.

Other benefits of drinking fenugreek water
1. People who drink fenugreek water regularly have better digestion and do not face problems like constipation, gas and indigestion.
2. Fenugreek water is very beneficial for those who want to reduce their increasing weight, because it increases metabolic rate and reduces appetite.
3. Perhaps not everyone knows that people who drink fenugreek water regularly reduce their cholesterol level, which reduces the risk of heart attack.
4. One should drink fenugreek water daily even in changing weather because doing so increases the body's immunity, which reduces the risk of infection.

(PC: Freepik)