If you are feeling tired recently, feeling more thirsty, or urinating frequently, then these can be the early symptoms of diabetes. But do you know that sometimes signs of diabetes also appear on your feet?

Yes, in pre-diabetes, when your body is unable to use sugar properly, then some changes can also occur in your feet. Let us know about 5 such symptoms which should not be ignored.

1. Tingling or numbness in the feet
If you are experiencing constant tingling or numbness in your feet without any reason, then it can be a sign of pre-diabetes. High blood sugar levels can damage the nerves, which can cause this problem.

2. Pain in the feet
Sudden pain in the feet, especially at night, can be a symptom of pre-diabetes. Poor blood circulation can cause pain in the feet.

3. Swelling in the feet
If your feet are swelling without any reason, then this can also be a sign of pre-diabetes. Swelling in the feet can occur due to poor blood circulation.

4. Wounds on the feet that heal late
High blood sugar levels can weaken the body's immune system, which can delay wound healing. If you have a wound on your feet that is not healing for a long time, then definitely consult a doctor.

5. Change in color of the feet
If the color of your feet is changing, such as their color turning yellow or red spots appearing on them, then this can also be a sign of pre-diabetes. Poor blood circulation can cause a change in the color of the feet.

Keep in mind that these symptoms can also be of other health problems. But if you are experiencing any of these symptoms, it is important to consult a doctor. Getting tested on time and taking medical advice is the best way to reduce the risk of diabetes.

(PC: Freepik)