The number of diabetes patients is continuously increasing all over the world, India is even called the capital of diabetes because in every family one or the other member is suffering from this disease. For this, you must eat a healthy diet and stay away from such things which increase the blood sugar level. It is generally advised to eat less rice in diabetes, instead people start eating roti, but is it beneficial to do so?

Sugar patients should not eat bread made of this flour.
If we look at our daily life, we will find that bread made of wheat flour is mostly eaten, many health experts believe that it should not be consumed in excess because it can increase the blood glucose level.

When we go to cook bread made of wheat flour, we filter it with a sieve and remove its bran, then only coarse flour remains, which can increase the amount of sugar in the blood. It is no less than poison for diabetic patients.

Rotis of these grains are beneficial

1. Millet

Bajra flour is gray, its bread is eaten with great fervor in the winter season, and it is a perfect diet for diabetic patients. Health does not deteriorate from this.

2. Mecca
You must have eaten maize bread and mustard greens many times, but do you know that it is healthier than wheat flour because it does not increase the level of sugar?

3. Gram
Gram-flour bread is considered very beneficial for health, because they are gluten-free, which is why it can prove beneficial for diabetes patients.

4. Tide
Jowar flour bread is very much liked, it contains dietary fiber, due to which the stomach feels full for a long time, eating it does not increase obesity, which is very important for diabetes patients.