Diabetes is a lifestyle-related problem, so in today's time, it is common to find diabetic patients in almost every household. During diabetes, you need to pay special attention to food and drink because a little carelessness can increase your blood sugar. Because of this, you have to take medicines. In such a situation, today we have brought some easy home remedies for you to keep diabetes under control. By adopting which you can maintain blood sugar with household things (Diabetes home remedy), so let's know the domestic ways to control blood sugar.

How to control blood sugar (Diabetes home remedy)
Amla and Aloe Vera Juice

If you consume Amla juice mixed with Giloy and Aloe vera juice daily, then your blood sugar remains under control. Apart from this, if you want, you can also consume turmeric mixed with amla juice. From this also you get to benefit from diabetes.

Guava leaves
Guava leaves are full of medicinal properties, so consuming them keeps you safe from many diseases. Along with this, the level of glucose in your body also remains under control. For this, you can make tea of guava leaves and drink it. This helps in reducing your weight and increasing your eyesight.

Carrot juice
To control blood sugar, you can also consume apple or cucumber juice mixed with carrot juice. Apart from being tasty, it also proves helpful in maintaining the level of diabetes in your body.