Diabetes is such a disease whose symptoms can be controlled with the help of diet and medicines if the symptoms are identified on time. Talking about the symptoms of this disease develops due to poor diet, deteriorating lifestyle and stress, frequent thirst and excessive discharge of urine, excessive appetite and weight loss. Weight loss delayed wound healing and loss of vision are symptoms of diabetes. If the level of sugar in the blood remains high for a long time, then the risk of increasing the risk of this disease is high. Due to diabetes, the health of the heart, kidneys and lungs can deteriorate.

Diabetes patients can adopt some natural remedies to control blood sugar. According to Ayurveda, blood sugar can be easily controlled by consuming certain herbs and spices. According to Ayurvedic expert Acharya Balkrishna, you can easily control blood sugar by consuming some home remedies. Let us know how effective Ayurvedic remedies are in controlling blood sugar.

Keep the body active Sugar control will remain: (Keep the body active)
People whose blood sugar remains high should keep their bodies active. Keeping the body active means not sitting for a long time and doing physical labour.

Consume sprouted fenugreek to control blood sugar: (Consume sprouted fenugreek)
Blood sugar can be controlled by changing the diet. People whose blood sugar remains high should consume fenugreek in their diet. Fenugreek can be consumed after sprouting. Consuming fenugreek keeps blood sugar under control. Fenugreek seeds are rich in soluble fibre which slows down the digestion and absorption of carbohydrates and controls blood sugar. Diabetes patients can also drink fenugreek water.

Drink bitter gourd, cucumber and tomato juice, and blood sugar control will remain: (Drink bitter gourd, cucumber and tomato juice)
People who have high blood sugar should make juice by mixing tomato, cucumber and bitter gourd and consume it on an empty stomach in the morning. This juice will improve digestion and control blood sugar. Bitter gourd contains properties like potassium, vitamins A, B, and C along with thiamine, and riboflavin, which give energy to the beta cells of the pancreas and help in insulin formation.

Control blood sugar with Giloy: (Giloy For Control blood sugar)
People whose blood sugar remains high should consume Giloy. Giloy works like a miraculous medicine in diabetes. By consuming it, insulin is produced naturally. It strengthens immunity and makes the body healthy. Diabetes patients should consume Giloy, there will be sugar control.