Diabetes is the fastest-growing disease in the world nowadays. India is the biggest victim of this disease. Patients suffering from this disease have to avoid not only sweets but also many other things. The special thing is that once one gets this disease, it never ends again. However, it can be kept under control with the help of medicines and diet. Today we are going to tell you about 5 such home remedies to control diabetes. By using this you can get rid of this disease.

Home Remedies to Control Blood Sugar
Eat green leafy vegetables

People who have complaints of diabetes i.e. high blood sugar (Diabetes Control Tips), then they should consume more quantity of green leafy vegetables. These can include fenugreek, bathua, spinach, bottle gourd, bitter gourd, zucchini, and broccoli. Eating them helps in controlling diabetes.

Benefits of eating whole grains
According to doctors, the consumption of whole grains is also considered good in Diabetes Control Tips. However, it should be consumed in lunch only, so that it can be easily digested. You can eat barley flour roti, bran roti, or whole grain roti as per your choice. It also strengthens the immunity of the body.

Diabetes control by eating curd
To control high blood sugar, eating curd is considered good for health. Due to this, the level of blood sugar remains under control and the body's immunity is strengthened. If you want, you can eat salt by adding sugar or salt or you can eat curd like this without adding anything.

Drink onion extract daily
According to those who research Diabetes Control Tips, to deal with this disease, it is also considered good to drink an extract of 2 onions daily. This extract i.e. juice should be drunk in the morning on an empty stomach. By doing this, the increased blood sugar of the body comes under control immediately. Drinking this extract also improves hair growth.

Blood sugar control with eggs
Those who eat eggs, get a lot of benefits from Diabetes Control Tips. The amount of amino acids and protein in eggs is very high, due to which the sugar level is controlled. Consuming eggs is considered beneficial deal for patients with high blood sugar.