Can any disease be eradicated from the root in today's time? This is a big question. At the same time, this question also comes to the mind of diabetic patients regarding the elimination of blood sugar. In such a situation, let us tell you that yes sugar can be controlled from the root. Yes, you can control blood sugar by adopting some methods at home. Let us tell you here what methods you should adopt to control diabetes.

Jamun controls blood sugar
Jamun is a very beneficial fruit. At the same time, diabetes patients can also be treated with the seeds of Jamun. You can use its seeds in any way. If you grind its seeds and make tea and drink it, you will also get benefits. On the other hand, if you want, soak the seeds of Jamun in water and consume that water the next day. Even with this, you can easily reduce your weight.

Benefits of fig leaves
You can also get benefits from fig leaves for diabetes. If you chew fig leaves every morning on an empty stomach, it will help in controlling sugar. Apart from this, you can drink these leaves by boiling them in water.

Fenugreek also controls sugar
Fenugreek is also no less than a boon for diabetes patients. If you are thinking that you will not get benefit from fenugreek, then you can be proved wrong. For this, you have to consume it regularly. Serious patients should not consume it without consulting the doctor.