Diabetes Control Tips: Diabetes is a chronic disease in which the pancreas of the body reduces or stops producing insulin. Due to less production of insulin, the level of sugar in the blood starts increasing. Talking about insulin, it is a type of hormone produced by the digestive gland whose job is to convert food into energy.

Due to high blood sugar, its symptoms start appearing in the body. Frequent thirst, excessive discharge of urine, excessive hunger, weight loss, slow wound healing and loss of vision are symptoms of diabetes. . High blood sugar levels over a long period of time can damage the heart, kidney and lungs.

According to Dr. BK Rai, Diabetes and Thyroid Specialist of Apollo Hospital Greater Noida, breakfast is very important for diabetes patients. Often the fasting sugar of diabetic patients remains high, in such a situation, the consumption of high glycemic foods can reach the level of blood sugar beyond 400 mg / dl.

Diabetes Diet: Consuming these two foods in the morning breakfast is a boon for diabetic patients, know from experts how to prepare
According to experts, diabetic patients should consume such foods in breakfast which keep blood sugar under control. Some foods that are often consumed by people in the morning breakfast increase blood sugar rapidly. Let us know from the experts that which foods should be avoided by diabetic patients in the morning breakfast.

People often consume white bread in the morning breakfast. You know that consumption of white bread for diabetic patients affects health like poison. The amount of fiber and protein in white bread is very less, due to which it is easily digested. The process of its absorption is very fast, due to which the level of sugar in the blood starts increasing rapidly. Consumption of white grains for diabetic patients increases blood sugar rapidly.

Do not consume tea and coffee: (Do not consume tea and coffee)
Diabetes patients want to keep blood sugar under control, then do not consume tea or coffee in the morning breakfast. Tea contains a compound called theophylline, which causes dehydration. Tea and coffee are liquid foods that get digested quickly and affect blood sugar quickly.

Do not consume packed juices in the morning: (Do not consume packed juices in the morning)
Often people consume juice in the morning, diabetic patients should not consume packed juice in the morning at all. Consuming canned juices can rapidly increase blood sugar levels.

Avoid consuming Fan and Rusk:
Often diabetic patients consume fan and rusks in the morning breakfast. Sugar and oil are used in fan and rusk, due to which the level of sugar in the blood starts increasing. These foods increase blood sugar and also increase obesity.