PC: Centenary Institute

Diabetes is a disease that is increasing rapidly. Not only old people but also young people are falling prey to this disease. This has become a common problem with uncontrolled blood sugar levels. Due to this the patient starts having many health problems. To control it, it is advised to avoid sweet foods and take medicines. Some people complain that despite following the diet plan, the sugar level does not remain under control. This happens because of some mistake of yours. Know why diabetes does not come under control even after dieting and taking medicines.

Not eating food on time:

Diabetes patients should take special care of their eating habits. Morning meal is very important for the patient and the blood sugar level throughout the day depends on the patient's breakfast. Diabetic patients should eat something within an hour of waking up in the morning. Apart from this, lunch and dinner should also be taken on time. Diabetics can eat something healthy during meals. Remember that long intervals between meals aggravate diabetes.

PC: Redcliffe Labs

Not taking medicines on time:

If a person has diabetes and is taking medicines, then he should also take care of the time. Take the medicine at the same time every day. Also, people who take insulin injections should take the injection only at the time prescribed by the doctor.

PC: Arkana Laboratories

Not paying attention to exercise:

If you are a diabetic patient then you should not stop exercising. Staying active increases the body's response and helps in better glycemic control. Try to keep yourself as active as possible. If you cannot do heavy exercise, you can also take a walk for a while.