Diabetes Can Increase Oral Problem: It is believed that having diabetes has a negative effect on a person's eyes, kidneys and lungs, but do you know that diabetes can affect not only the organ but also the oral health? Yes, the high blood sugar link between oral health and diabetes works. If high blood sugar is poorly controlled, the chances of developing oral health problems are much higher. This is because uncontrolled diabetes weakens the white blood cells, which work to protect the body against bacterial infections in the mouth. This is the reason why most diabetic patients have to face oral problems. Let us know which oral problems can be promoted by diabetes.

Dry mouth
According to the Cleveland Clinic, uncontrolled diabetes can reduce the flow of saliva, resulting in dry mouth. Dry mouth can lead to pain, ulcers, infections and tooth decay.

Swelling in gums
Apart from weakening the white blood cells, diabetes thickens the blood vessels. It slows down the work of nutrients present in the body, due to which the body loses its ability to fight infection. In such a situation, periodontal disease can spread to the mouth and cause inflammation.

Improper oral tissue
Diabetic patients do not recover quickly after oral surgery or other dental procedures, because due to diabetes, blood flow does not happen easily at the affected area, due to which it can be damaged.