In today's time, having problems with teeth is very common. Be it a youth or an elderly person, people of almost all ages are suffering from this problem. Teeth are directly related to our first look. A healthy and beautiful smile makes our life easier. But like the body, our teeth also undergo age-related changes. As you age, some changes may occur in your teeth, such as thinning of the enamel, thickening of the dentine, and staining of the teeth. Some measures can be taken to prevent or reduce these changes.

Teeth are made up of three main parts:
1-Enamel: It is the outermost part of the tooth and it is very hard.
2- Dentine: It is located below the enamel and is brown.
3- Medulla: It is located in the center of the tooth and contains blood vessels, nerves, and other tissues.

Changes in teeth with age:
The enamel becomes thinner with age. Due to this, teeth become more fragile, and the risk of breakage increases. Not only this, the color of dentine becomes darker with age. This happens because the tubules present in the dentine become filled with minerals. Teeth become stained because the pigments present in foods and beverages stick to the teeth.

Ways to keep teeth healthy:
1- Regular brushing and flossing removes food particles and bacteria accumulated on the teeth. This helps in keeping teeth healthy.
2- Consult a doctor regularly and get your teeth checked. The dentist can examine your teeth and gums and detect and treat any problems.
3- Do not use your teeth as working tools. Do not use your teeth to cut, open, or break anything. This can cause damage to teeth.

4- Use a soft-bristle toothbrush and appropriate toothpaste. Such toothbrushes do not harm the enamel. Suitable toothpaste contains fluoride, which helps strengthen teeth.
5- Avoid smoking. Smoking smoke and spices are harmful to teeth and can cause damage to teeth.

It is natural for some changes to occur in teeth with increasing age. But to prevent or reduce these changes, the measures mentioned above can be followed. By doing this you can not only keep your teeth healthy but can also keep your smile beautiful for a long time.

(PC: Freepik)