In the modern world, children remain connected to the digital world since birth. The biggest example of this is that today most of the children eat food while watching mobile phones. But do you know how much continuous screen time can harm the brain?

Some researchers are referring to a new type of dementia called 'digital dementia'. The belief behind this is that increasing screen time (especially during brain development) can increase the risk of Alzheimer's or other dementia in the future.

What is dementia?
Dementia is a mental illness that reduces the ability to think and reason. In this, the person suffers from amnesia. Although this disease usually occurs in old people, nowadays it is found in people of all ages.

German neuroscientist Dr. Manfred Spitzer first mentioned the term 'digital dementia'. They believe that excessive use of smartphones and electronic gadgets weakens the part of the brain that controls the ability to think, remember, and reason. According to research, continuous screen time reduces gray matter in some parts of the brain. This is the part that plays an important role in learning, remembering, and decision-making.

However, this research is still in its early stages and there is no concrete evidence that screen time directly causes dementia. Additionally, digital devices may have different effects on different people. Still, one should be aware of these potential dangers. Let us know what precautions are necessary to give a healthy mind and a better future to the coming generation.

Limit children's screen time
According to the American Academy of Pediatrics, it recommends that children use gadgets like TV, computers, and mobile for less than an hour.

Outdoor games
Encourage children to play those games. This develops the mind as well as the body.

Promote conversation

Give priority to face-to-face conversations instead of relying on digital communication.

Have a family digital detox time
Put away all the gadgets for a few hours and engage in some other activity together.

We should remember that technology is a good discovery, it makes our lives easier. But its excessive use can harm health. Therefore, its proper use can make our lives better. While connecting the coming generation with technology, it is important that we also teach them to use it properly.

(PC: Freepik)