If dark circles start coming under the eyes, then it has a very bad effect on the beauty of the face. In some cases, this happens due to genetic reasons, but most people face such problems due to lack of sleep, tension, an unhealthy diet, and dehydration. If you start seeing mild dark circles, then start its remedy immediately. Let's take a look at those home remedies to remove dark circles which have been going on since the time of grandmothers.

Prepare this paste to remove dark circles
Orange Juice and Glycerin

We are all aware that glycerin is used to moisturize the face, but you might not know that mixing glycerin with orange juice and applying it under the eyes will get rid of dark circles.

Mint leaves paste
For this, grind the green leaves of mint and apply it on the dark circles of the eyes and then leave it to dry for about 15 minutes. Finally, clean the paste by soaking a cotton cloth in cold water. This will not only remove the dark circles but also give relief to the eyes.

Tomato and gram flour paste
Tomato paste can prove to be very beneficial to remove dark circles under the eyes. For this, grind a big tomato in a mixer grinder and then prepare a paste by mixing gram flour and lemon juice in it. Now apply this paste under the eyes for about twenty minutes and finally wash it with clean water. If you do this every two days, then the dark circles will disappear completely.