The Internet is used by almost every second person in the country. In such a situation, what are you searching for, how safe is internet surfing for you, it is important to take care of all these things. So today we are going to give you some tips which will be helpful for you.

Internet usage in India has increased tremendously in the last few years. It has also given a new impetus to development. But it cannot be denied that with the expansion of the Internet, the dangers associated with it are also increasing. In such a situation, it is necessary that we can avoid these dangers by taking some precautions. Today we are going to tell you some such tips, which will help you with safe internet surfing. Let us know about them.

Information found in the report

Kaspersky experts have compiled a list of simple habits that can help improve the security of your data and make life easier in the coming year. By including these habits in your daily life, you will be saved from many dangers.

Change password after one year

To avoid online threats, you must review and update all your online account passwords as soon as the new year begins. Make sure that your password is unique and complex.

Also, avoid using the same password for more than one account. If you are having trouble remembering your password, you can use a password manager. It can be a helpful tool in managing multiple passwords, as it offers features like auto-fill and a password generator to create unique and complex passwords for each account. That way, you only have to remember one master password.

Sign up for Data Breach Alert

Data breaches have been a major threat to personal and corporate accounts for quite some time now. Often we come across the problem of a data breach, which makes it difficult to keep track of all of them. If your account details get leaked, your account can be misused by criminals.

Some advanced password managers come with a service that can scan for the latest data leaks and check if any of your information has been compromised. So if any of your saved logins or passwords appear in recent data leaks, you will get notified.


If you want to protect your privacy and security online, then VPN is also necessary for you. Modern VPN solutions are user-friendly, deliver fast speeds, and keep personal data private. You can use them when shopping online, accessing streaming services, etc. Explain that VPNs also hide your IP address from websites and advertisers while giving better privacy.

Transfer documents to encrypted storage

If you keep your documents securely online or on your device, you can use encrypted storage to prevent them from falling into the wrong hands. You can also use a password manager, which is a secure option for storing scans, PDFs, and other important documents, including your medical records and work-related files. Encrypted storage services are more secure than traditional storage options.

Check your child's digital usage

If you want kids to have a safe and enjoyable online experience, it's important to teach them about online safety from an early age. So you explain to them about the internet, which will help you to know more about kids' online interests. In addition, you can also opt for child safety software, which can help parents learn more about their kids' hobbies and promote healthy digital habits from an early age.