This may happen even if there is no cold or cough during the winter season. Due to cold, people often get troubled due to mucus. This mucus gets so stuck in the chest that even breathing becomes difficult. Ears and nose get blocked. At times, during this period, there is a severe headache also. The head feels heavy all the time. This happens when phlegm accumulates in the head. After all, how does phlegm accumulate in the head? What are the ways to avoid this, let us know in detail in this article?

Why does phlegm accumulate in the head?

Experts say that there are fine with phlegm holes in the bones of the scalp, through which oxygen reaches the brain. In case of cold, these pores get filled due to the person feels heaviness in the head. This condition is called sinusitis.

These symptoms are seen when phlegm accumulates which in the head

  • Severe headache
  • Feeling sensation in the brain
  • feeling like a crack in the brain

Protect yourself like this

  • Drinking turmeric milk can be beneficial.
  • Drinking hot water can loosen mucus.
  • Drinking clove tea can help melt mucus. It has anti-allergic properties.
  • Massaging the head and neck with warm oil can provide relief.
  • Ginger decoction can also be beneficial.
  • Steam inhalation helps loosen mucus.

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