How To Make Coconut Shikanji: As soon as the summer season comes, every time you feel like drinking something cold, by drinking you can provide instant coolness and energy. In such a situation, people usually make and drink lemonade, sherbet, jaljeera, or mango panna. But this summer, if you want to have something fun instead of boring drinks, then today we have brought you the recipe for making Coconut Shikanji. Coconut water contains many anti-oxidants like vitamin C and protein, which provide many great benefits to your health. You can make and drink Coconut Shikanji in just 5 minutes. You immediately feel freshness and coolness after drinking this, so let's know how to make Coconut Shikanji.....

Ingredients for making Coconut Shikanji-

Coconut water 1 glass

Powdered sugar 2 teaspoons

Black salt Pinch

1 teaspoon of ginger juice

Lemon 2 to 3

Soda water or plain water 1 glass

How to make Coconut Shikanji?

To make coconut shikanji, first of all, take a glass.

Then you take out fresh coconut water in it.

After this, add powdered sugar to it and mix it well.

Then add soda water and lemon in another glass and mix.

After this, add coconut water to it and mix it well.

Then cool the prepared mixture by keeping it in the fridge for about 2 to 3 hours.

Now your tasty and healthy coconut shikanji is ready.

Then you put black salt and mint leaves on top and serve it.

(Disclaimer: The information given here is based on home remedies and general information. Must take medical advice before adopting it. Kalamtimes does not confirm it.)

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