The summer season has started and in the coming few days, the temperature is expected to increase a lot. Everyone is troubled a lot on hot summer days. Even if one does not feel like eating anything in this season, one feels very thirsty. In the summer season, a lot of sweat comes out of the body. In such a situation, drink a sufficient amount of water to stay healthy. To avoid this problem, you can consume seasonal fruits. That's why today in this episode, we are going to give you information about some such fruits, the consumption of which along with giving internal coolness to the body will also work to replenish water. Let us know about those fruits which should be consumed with the onset of summer.

Oranges should be eaten in abundance in summer. Beta-carotene and vitamin-C present in juicy oranges strengthen the body's immunity. There is a good amount of fibre in oranges. Vitamin-B thiamin and folate are also found in them, which is very important for the proper development of cells. The demand for this fruit increases rapidly during the summer season.

As soon as summer arrives, the wait for the king of fruits, and mangoes begins. Mango is not only very tasty to eat, but it is also not less in terms of nutrition. Loaded with antioxidants and minerals, mangoes also give you nutrients like manganese, calcium, selenium and iron. Raw mango panna is the best drink for summer. Along with this, ripe mango juice is also very nutritious and tasty.

There is nothing better than a cool and sweet watermelon in summer. In this hot weather, it fulfils the lack of water in the body. Being 92 per cent water, this fruit is one of the best hydrating substances. Not only this, it is full of fiber, vitamin C, vitamin-A, potassium, magnesium and the antioxidant lycopene, which will be very beneficial if eaten for cancer or stroke. Especially in summer, eat a plate of watermelon for refreshment, but avoid drinking water after eating it.