Some bad habits of our lifestyle affect our bodies in many ways. Many reasons reduce the ability to hear with the ears. Knowingly or unknowingly, we keep doing such things every day, which can harm the ability of our ears.

Today we will tell you what are those habits that reduce your ability to hear. We have talked to health expert Yogesh Patna on this subject who works in NMCH. Let us know what is the opinion of the experts.

1. Listening to songs in a loud voice

If you are very fond of listening to songs in loud voices, then stop for a while because listening to songs in loud voices and using headphones or earphones for a long time can cause serious damage to the ears. According to health experts, due to headphones-earphones, the problem of hearing loss has been seen increasing rapidly in the last few years. Due to loud noise, there is more pressure on the eardrum, due to which there can be a risk of many problems.

2. Not exercising

Nowadays there is so much pressure from work that people are not able to take out time for them. You must know how important yoga and exercise are for our body, but still, we are not able to find time for it daily. Let us tell you that a lack of exercise or yoga promotes blood circulation problems in our bodies.

Apart from this, there can also be a risk of increasing the problem of hearing less than your ears. Apart from this, if you do not do bhajan properly or your food is not nutritious, then there is a negative effect on the ability of your ears.

3. These reasons also cause damage to the ears

Using earphones for hours can lead to the accumulation of earwax. Due to this, there is also a possibility of ear infection many times and which can reduce your hearing ability. If there is sudden pain in your ears, then it also indicates problems related to the ears. It is very important to take it seriously. If you do not pay attention to these signs, then the risk of deafness can be reduced to a great extent and you can get it checked by a doctor.

You should stay away from these habits so that there is no negative effect on your ears.

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