Clove is a popular spice used extensively in Indian cuisine. Consuming cloves full of medicinal properties gives many benefits to health. Since ancient times, cloves have been used to enhance the taste of food and to manufacture many types of medicines. Along with Vitamin C, fibre, protein, minerals, and antioxidants are also present in abundance in cloves, which are effective on health. You can also use whole cloves and the oil extracted from them. Today in this episode, we are going to tell you what problems can be solved by the use of cloves. Let's know...

Beneficial in strengthening immunity
Consuming cloves is considered very beneficial for strengthening immunity. Because cloves have vitamin C and antioxidant properties, which help in strengthening immunity.

Increase sperm count
Clove is very beneficial for male health. Consuming cloves helps in increasing sperm count. But you should consume it in limited quantity or on the advice of a doctor. Eating cloves in excess disturbs the testosterone hormone. Testosterone is a male hormone. Men can also consume cloves to increase their stamina.

Good for teeth
Clove has anti-microbial properties. This help prevents the growth of bad bacteria. For this reason, they prove to be helpful in oral health. It also provides relief for toothache. You can keep a clove on the painful area in the mouth for a few minutes. It works to give relief from pain. If used in herbal toothpaste, it can help eliminate plaque and tooth decay.