How to Get Rid of Lizards from Home: As soon as we hear the name of the lizard, we feel scared and disgusted, but it is an unwanted companion present in our house. This creature is usually found in the corners of the house, but the kitchen is one of its favorite places. Lizards usually enter our house in search of insects, as well as they attack the leftover food. Killing it is not the right way, it is better to take some such measures so that this creeping creature does not burst even around our house, let us share some such tricks with you.

Use egg shells

Lizards dislike the smell of egg shells, so keep them in those corners of the house where these crawling creatures have to come and go, keep changing these shells every week.

Pepper spray

If you sprinkle black pepper spray in the corners of the house, then lizards will not be seen around your house because it irritates the skin of this creature. If you want, you can prepare a spray at home by mixing black pepper powder and water.

Clean out the sink cabinet

Lizards often make their hideout in the cabinet under the sink, because dirt accumulates here, so you must clean this place every weekend, otherwise, you will not be able to stop the lizard from coming.

Use naphthalene balls

Naphthalene balls are considered the enemy of lizards, because these creatures do not want to come near these balls, as well as they prevent many insects and spiders from coming. However, keep these pills away from children and pets, lest they accidentally swallow them.

Keep onions and garlic in the corner

The smell of onion and garlic irritates lizards, so if you keep it at the corners and windows of the kitchen and bathroom, then this creature will not come there. From time to time, replace the old onion garlic with new ones.

(Disclaimer: The information given here is based on home remedies and general information. Must take medical advice before adopting it. Kalamtimes does not confirm it.)

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