Electric Bulbs Cleaning Tips: Electric bulb is an important part of our daily life, without it the night becomes dark. For this, we specially pay the electricity bill. They last for years on wall holders. Sometimes being at heights, we do not bother to clean them, due to which they look very dirty and then the beauty of the house is also badly affected. Let us know how to clean the electric bulb. In such a situation, their efficiency will increase, they will look like new and the light will be more.

How to clean electric bulbs?

When it comes to light bulbs, people in most homes have now switched to LED and CFL technology leaving the old glass bulb. Compared to the old version of light bulbs, they have a longer life. This reduces the need to replace them but increases the need to clean them. However, caution is equally important in this work, otherwise, damage can happen. Often dust particles get accumulated in your light bulb which blurs its light, so cleaning them is necessary from time to time.

Take care of caution

Safety should be the priority while cleaning electric bulbs. Here are some such things that you should keep yourself in the time of clean.

1. First make sure the power is off. Unplug, switch off, or turn off the main switch. Extra precaution is not bad. This will avoid accidents and electrocution.

2. Bulbs often get hot, so once the power is turned off, wait for the bulb to cool before cleaning it. There may be some electricity left in the electric bulb which can give you a shock. and the hot bulb should not be cleaned

3. It is better to take the bulb out of the holder when cleaning, as it will make it more difficult for you to clean while the holder is attached.

4. Always clean the bulb with a dry cloth or duster, using a wet cloth is dangerous. And if you clean the hot bulb with a wet cloth, it may explode. A dry microfibre cloth is the best option.

5. Once the bulb is clean, put it back in the holder and then turn on all the switches connected to it. You will feel light like new in it.

(Disclaimer: The information given here is based on home remedies and general information. Before adopting it, do take expert advice. Kalamtimes does not confirm this.)

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