Fridge Cleaning Process: The cleaning of the refrigerator is directly related to our health, the yellow spots present in it point towards dirt, so it is necessary to clean it from time to time.

Refrigerator Cleaning Hacks: If we want to keep ourselves healthy, then we must pay attention to cleaning the refrigerator of our house regularly. Generally, we become careless about the cleanliness of the refrigerator, as we store a lot of food items and drinks in it, so if this household gadget remains dirty, germs will reach our stomachs through food and cause many diseases. do. Make sure to clean your fridge, especially during the fast season because many recipes are prepared at home during this time and you would like to keep it in a clean refrigerator.

Easy ways to clean fridge

A refrigerator is such an electronic gadget which is used round the clock, due to the food kept in it, the edges get yellow stains and then due to this strong smell also starts coming, this is due to the bacteria that grow there. That's why it is very important to clean the refrigerator from time to time. Today we will tell you such easy ways through which you will be able to clean the fridge without any hassle.

1. First of all you have to take out all the things from the fridge and empty them. After this, open the door of the refrigerator and turn off the main switch so that all the ice melts and the smell also reduces. If you want, you can also defrost the fridge.

2. Now put the detergent in hot water and then mix it well. Then a soft and clean cloth soaked in detergent can be cleaned by rubbing the fridge. To get better results, add lemon juice to it as well.

3. You can prepare a cleaning solution at home to clean the refrigerator. For this, mix a quarter cup of baking powder in a cup of vinegar and rub it on the yellow spots.

4. If the yellow spots are very stubborn, then you can also use mild acid for this. For this, clean the yellow stain by applying acid to the old toothbrush. Your skin is at risk due to acid, so be careful

5. After this, clean the fridge with a wet cloth and wash its tray and glass separately. Finally, open the door of the fridge and leave it to dry.

(Disclaimer: The information given here is based on home remedies and general information. Before adopting it, do take expert advice. Kalamtimes does not confirm this.)