Nowadays we all often chew chewing gum. In such a situation, chewing gum falls on the clothes many times. Or sometimes it also happens that knowingly or unknowingly we sit on chewing gum. If something similar has happened to you too, then you must read this article.

Actually knowingly or unknowingly often after chewing gum on clothes, people do not understand how to remove it. In such a situation, in today's article, we have brought some such tips for you.

Hot water will help

Hot water can help you a lot in solving big problems. You can use hot water to remove chewing gum stuck to clothing. All you have to do is put the chewing gum part in boiling water for at least 1 hour. After this, you remove the chewing gum in one stroke and it will be cleaned immediately.

Coconut oil will help

You can also remove chewing gum with the help of coconut oil. All you have to do is apply coconut oil to the chewing gum area. After this, the chewing gum on the cloth will become completely smooth, which you can easily remove.

Keep it in the fridge

Things kept in the freezer become cold and very sticky after a while. In such a situation, if you want to remove chewing gum from your clothes, then keep the clothes in the fridge for a while. This will make it very cold and it will come out easily with the help of any sharp object.

Use a crafty thing

You can also remove chewing gum with the help of Naukuli cheese. All you have to do is let the chewing gum cool and then try to remove it with a sharp object in one go.

Photo Credit: Pinterest


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