The family is the smallest unit of society and its head is the guide for the family members. An ideal head not only supports the family but also inspires the members and shows them the right path. Chanakya Niti is an ancient policy that guides every aspect of life. It mentions 5 important qualities of the head of the family, that make him a successful and respected leader. Let us know these 5 qualities and understand how an ideal family head should be according to Chanakya Niti.

The head of the family should be patient in every situation. He should be able to listen and understand the problems of the members. He should be patient with the mistakes and find solutions to them.

The head of the family should understand his responsibilities and fulfill them. He should take care of the well-being and safety of the members. Also, he should take care of the economic and social interests of the family.

The head of the family should treat all members fairly. He should not discriminate against anyone and provide equal opportunities to everyone. He should also be able to find fair solutions to disputes.

The head of the family should be knowledgeable and educated. He should know various aspects of life so that he can guide the members. He should also be able to teach good sanskar and values ​​to the members.

The head of the family should be kind and compassionate. He should understand the feelings of the members and help them. He should support the members even in difficult situations.

(PC: Zee news)