Do you also often have stomach problems? Is it because of your messed up sleep pattern? Yes, if your daily sleep-wake time is not right then it can have side effects on digestive health. Researchers found that irregular sleep patterns may promote harmful bacteria in your gut. These types of bacteria can not only spoil digestive health, but they can also reduce the good bacteria.

This is the first study to link the body's internal clock, or circadian rhythm, to digestive health problems.

Researchers say that even a 90-minute gap between sleep and wake-up times can affect the microbiome, which can have negative effects on health. In earlier studies, irregular sleep cycles were found to cause a variety of health problems. In this study, people have been alerted about stomach problems.

Health effects of lack of sleep
Researchers say lack of sleep can be harmful to overall health. This is the reason why it is recommended for all people get 6-8 hours of uninterrupted sleep every night. According to this research by researchers at King's College London, there is little awareness that even small anomalies in sleep patterns can affect the body's biological rhythms.

In this study, we found that this can also be an aggravating condition for digestive health.

What do health experts say?
Dr. Wendy Hall, Professor at King's College London and senior author of the research, says: 'We know that sleep disruption, such as working night shifts, can have a profound impact on your health. The researchers suggest that the composition of microbes in the gut may influence everything from digestion to metabolism.

The study evaluated a group of 934 people. Their blood, stool, and gut microbiome samples, as well as regular sleep duration, were assessed.

The risk of serious diseases also increases
The study concluded that lack of sleep can increase the bad microbiome in the gut. The study found that poor diet quality, obesity, and cardiometabolic health can increase the risk of heart attack, stroke, and diabetes. Due to the lack of good bacteria in the intestines, digestive health deteriorates, which can lead to the development of these diseases.

Lack of sleep has also been found to be related to the risk of mental health disorders and heart diseases in earlier studies.

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