A sudden fall or increase in blood sugar level is not considered good for health at all. Due to this, a person can have many problems ranging from headache to dizziness, feeling of faintness and weakness, difficulty in seeing etc. Not only this but in some serious conditions the person can go into a coma. Hence, one should keep a watch on their blood sugar level. Especially, if a person has diabetes, then his blood sugar level can spike or drop suddenly.

In this situation, the person needs extra care. But if you know about the causes of sudden increase and decrease in blood sugar level, then it becomes easier to manage it. So, today in this article, we are telling you about the reasons for the sudden increase and decrease in blood sugar levels-

Take too much stress

Most people think that the blood sugar level is only related to food and drink, whereas in reality, it is not so. Sometimes your stress or anxiety can also affect your blood sugar level. When you are under stress, certain hormones are released from the body and this increases the blood sugar level of the person. Many times, due to stress, the way of eating and drinking of a person is also affected and in this situation also the blood sugar level of the person is affected. So, always try to keep yourself relaxed and relax through yoga and meditation. being dehydrated

Water is beneficial to the body in many ways. When the hydration level in the body is low, it can increase the glucose level in the blood. Due to this the blood sugar level increases. For people who do not consume sufficient amounts of water, their chances of having hyperglycemia i.e. high blood sugar problem increase manifold.

Carelessness about food

People who have diabetes and are careless about their diet, it affects their blood sugar levels. For example, if they don't eat on time or skip their meals, it can cause their blood sugar levels to drop. Not only this, if a diabetic patient takes excessive insulin, then their blood sugar level drops completely.

Using artificial sweeteners

We all know that sugar is not good for health. Therefore, most people consume artificial sweeteners to maintain their health. Even though the calorie count is less in these, it harms health.

Even artificial sweeteners cause a sudden spike in blood sugar levels. Not only this, they also increase the risk of heart disease to stroke. Hence, avoid artificial sweeteners as far as possible. Instead of this, you can consume jaggery or honey in limited quantities.

Due to illness

  1. is seen that even when a person is ill, the blood sugar level of the person spikes. When your body is fighting an infection, hormones are released that can increase blood sugar levels. Not only this, during this time a person consumes many types of medicines and this can also increase or decrease the blood sugar level.

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