(Diabetes In Children) Due to runaway life and wrong eating, there are many serious diseases which have become quite common. Diabetes is also one of them. Diabetes or sugar is a hormonal condition, in which the level of blood sugar level increases, it is very important to control it. There are two types of diabetes disease type 1 diabetes and type 2 diabetes. In type 1 diabetes, the body is unable to make insulin at all. Diabetes type 2 affects many systems of the body. Due to this, the production of insulin in the pancreas also stops.

Type 1 diabetes risk in children
Major organs of the body can be damaged by Type 1 Diabetes. This problem is often found in children. If you also recognize its symptoms in time, then it will be easy to control. Let us know the symptoms and prevention of diabetes in children.

Get thirsty
Most patients with diabetes have a problem with excessive thirst. When someone feels more thirsty, it is a sign that the amount of sugar in the blood has increased. These can be the symptoms of Diabetes Type 1 (Diabetes Type 1 Signs and Symptoms). In this situation, check with the doctor why you are feeling more thirsty.

Extreme tiredness and weakness
In type 1 diabetes, the level of sugar in the blood increases (high blood sugar), due to which the child feels more tired and weak. This can be a sign of type 1 diabetes.