Cardamom is an important part of Indian cuisine, which is included in the category of hot spices. Generally, spices are herbs that affect our digestion. We call them spices because they are hot. But in the case of cardamom, it is an exception. Though being a spice, it helps to balance our hunger and thirst (satiety hormones i.e. ghrelin and leptin). It is difficult to know whether they are hungry or not, so this spice is the 'magic wand' for you.

According to Ayurveda, cardamom is good for balancing the Tridosha i.e. all three doshas, and is considered an excellent digestive. Cardamom is especially beneficial in reducing bloating and intestinal gas. It is excellent for balancing Kapha in the stomach and lungs. It is also useful for pacifying Vata. The seeds are often chewed to freshen the breath. Being an excellent antioxidant, it is used in the treatment of blood pressure, asthma, dyspepsia, burning urination, and many other disorders. It is good for heart health. Also, improves taste and digestion.

Gets rid of these problems:-
-Throat irritation
-Bad breath
-Burning sensation in the stomach during urination
-Abdominal distension
-Excessive thirst

The warming and detoxifying effect of cardamom help in reducing the amount of ama i.e. spoiled and undigested food in the body and maintaining health.

How to consume?
A small piece of it can be used in your regular tea.
Its powder can be taken in quantities of 250-500 mg with ghee or honey.
Cardamom is chewed for the problem of bad breath.
In cases of diarrhea, it is placed inside the mouth and the juice is swallowed slowly.

Drink cardamom tea two-three times a day 1 hour before meals and see how it helps you to sense your physical hunger, proper digestion of food, and reduce the need for drinking water every hour. So drink cardamom tea and get rid of your hormone problems.

(PC: Freepik)