The risk of cancer is increasing globally. Every year millions of people die due to various types of cancer. Prostate and lung cancer are the most commonly reported cases in men while breast and cervical cancer are the most commonly reported cases in women. Cancer is caused due to uncontrolled growth of cells in the body. However, the biggest question is who is more prone to cancer men or women?

According to the study report, most types of cancer develop more often in men than women. The risk of cancer is seen increasing due to lifestyle and dietary disturbances. Analysis of studies shows that many factors may be responsible for men having a higher risk of cancer than women.

Cancer risk in men and women
Research shows that men are more susceptible to cancer than women due to genetic reasons.

Researchers at the National Cancer Institute of the National Institutes of Health (NIH) analyzed data from 171,274 male and 122,826 female volunteers for a study. The analysis shows that behavioral or lifestyle factors such as smoking and alcohol consumption, body mass index (BMI), physical activity, diet, and medical history may be major risk factors for cancer, which need to be paid special attention to by both sexes.What did the study find out? In the study report published in the journal Cancer, lead author of the research, Dr. Sarah S. Jackson says, we speculated that lifestyle was not the only factor that is considered to increase the difference in cancer incidence between men and women.

Researchers assessed 21 cancer-prone parts of the human body. The conclusion states that men have been seen to have a higher risk of cancer and its serious form. Why does the risk of cancer increase? Researchers reported that men had higher rates of liver, bile duct, skin, colon, rectum and lung cancer.

Imbalances in the levels of hormones such as estrogen and progesterone in men can also increase or decrease the risk of cancer. Higher levels of testosterone, which promotes cell growth, have also been seen to cause differences in risk.

Take measures to prevent cancer. Health experts say that both men and women need to take constant precautions to prevent cancer. Maintaining a healthy lifestyle, consuming healthy and nutritious food, exercising regularly, helps in keeping the body healthy and fit and also prevents chronic diseases like cancer. A vaccine is available to prevent the risk of cervical cancer in women, with the help of which the risk of this cancer can be reduced to a great extent.