There are milk ducts in women's breasts. These are also called milk ducts. There is liquid discharge from them in the last days of pregnancy, which is quite normal. But if this is happening to you even without pregnancy, then you need to pay attention to it. After delivery, milk comes out from the woman's breasts. But sometimes this happens to women even without pregnancy. Don't ignore it. Let us know from experts about what could be the reasons for breast leaking without pregnancy. Dr. Manmohan Singh, Vice President of Medical Affairs of Nirvasa Healthcare, is giving information in this regard.

What is breast leaking?

If you are not pregnant, do not feed the baby, still water or milk-like liquid is coming from your breast, then it is called breast leaking. In some women, this happens by lightly pressing the breast. At the same time, for some, this discharge may also occur on its own. Many women may experience breast pain or other problems due to this problem.

Causes of breast leaking

  • Without pregnancy, milk coming out from the breast or clear liquid coming out is not at all normal. There is a need to pay attention to its reasons.
  • It can happen for many reasons. This also happens due to hormonal imbalance. Breast leakage can also occur due to excess prolactin in women's bodies. Due to this, there may be discharge from the breast even without pregnancy and breastfeeding.
  • High prolactin also affects women's periods and fertility.
  • This can also happen due to some kind of swelling in the breast tissues or due to side effects of medicines.
  • Thyroid problems can also be the reason behind breast leaking.
  • This can also happen due to the formation of cysts in the breast. In this condition, sometimes yellow or green discharge also occurs.
  • If you are going through hormonal imbalance and are taking any medicine to balance the hormones, this can also happen.
  • This is also possible by being sexually active and being under stress.
  • Some women also have this problem during menopause.

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