We are all aware that mother's milk is the best for the newborn, so immediately after birth, the mother's thick yellow milk is fed, so that the health of the child can be improved. But since the last few decades, the trend of feeding milk from boxes has increased. One should know that breastfeeding can protect the child from short and long-term diseases. Many women face difficulty in feeding their milk, to avoid this doctors' advice can be taken, but efforts should be made that children get only their mother's milk. Let us know what can be the benefits of breastfeeding.

Benefits of breastfeeding
1. Immunity will be boosted

The risk of viral infection is very high for small children, due to which fever and other diseases are inevitable. Those newborns who drink their mother's milk from the time of birth, their immunity is better than other children. The kind of immunity that is achieved by breastfeeding, cannot be obtained from boxed milk.

2. Help in early recovery from illness
Antioxidants, enzymes, and antibodies are found in mothers' milk, which not only protects children from diseases but also if they get any kind of disease, it becomes easier to get rid of them.

3. Prevention of upset stomach
Small children often become victims of stomach disorders. They start having problems related to diarrhea, constipation, vomiting, and gas. If you want the child not to have such problems, then you must give them mother's milk.

4. Infant mortality rate will decrease
Many children do not survive till their first birthday, it has been proved in many researches that the infant mortality rate is found higher in babies who are not fed their mother's milk because they are less protected from diseases.

5. Maintains Weight and Oral Health
Being obese in children is also dangerous, but drinking a mother's milk regularly maintains the weight of the baby, and it is also considered beneficial for the oral health of the children. This reduces the risk of cavities and other dental problems.