Stamina is a term used to describe the amount of physical and mental energy a person has, which indicates his ability to function for a long period. Stamina is the ability to run for how long, exercise for how long, and work for how long. Weak stamina causes early fatigue, difficulty in breathing, lack of daily activities, and lack of energy.

Stamina can be increased or strengthened by regular exercise, a nutritious diet, adequate sleep, and reduced stress. If you want to increase your stamina then you need to bring healthy changes in your lifestyle. There are some effective yoga asanas to increase stamina, regular practice of which strengthens the body's strength. Due to strong stamina, one does not feel tired quickly nor is there a problem of breathlessness. Let us learn about yogasanas that increase stamina.

This yoga asana helps stretch the spine and abdominal muscles. This improves digestion. Practicing this asana after eating cures stomach-related problems. For the practice of Gomukhasana, bend the left leg and bring the knee near the left hip. Now place the right foot on the left foot in such a way that the knees touch each other. Taking the hands backward, hold the left hand with the right hand. Keeping the spine straight, take deep breaths for about 1 minute. Slowly come back to your old state.

Practicing Ustrasana improves body flexibility, relieves fatigue, and improves eyesight. Also provides relief from back pain. Do this asana under the supervision of a yoga expert. To do this asana, sit on your knees and while breathing, press the lower part of the spine forward. During this, complete pressure should be felt on the navel. Bend your back and leave your neck loose. Remain in this position for 30 to 60 seconds.

Practicing Dhanurasana improves blood flow and helps increase immunity. Dhanurasana not only keeps the digestive system healthy and provides relief from all the problems of the waist and chest and also improves stamina. To do this asana, lie down on your stomach, bend both your legs, and move them upwards. Holding the toes of the feet with both hands, inhale and pull the feet upward. After remaining in this position for some time, come back to normal position.

Practicing Virabhadrasana can be beneficial in preventing diseases by increasing immunity. Include Virabhadrasana in your life to improve body balance, increase stamina, reduce stress, control heart rate, and keep muscles healthy. To do this asana, stand in a straight posture raise the arms parallel to the floor, and turn the head to the left. Now turn the left leg 90 degrees to the left. Remain in this position for some time. Now practice the same way from the other side.

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